Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Can You Say "REALLY BAD IDEEA"? Time Warner Cable tries metering Internet use

One thing's for sure: if Time Warner moves in this direction, I wouldn't bet on their stock.

Time Warner Cable tries metering Internet use

Time Warner Cable starts customer trial with metered Internet access in Texas NEW YORK (AP) -- You're used to paying extra if you use up your cell phone minutes, but will you be willing to pay extra if your home computer goes over its Internet allowance?

Time Warner Cable Inc. customers -- and, later, others -- may have to, if the company's test of metered Internet access is successful.

On Thursday, new Time Warner Cable Internet subscribers in Beaumont, Texas, will have monthly allowances for the amount of data they upload and download. Those who go over will be charged $1 per gigabyte, a Time Warner Cable executive told the Associated Press.

The rest here

In an age when you can get plans of unlimited cellphone and wireless web use from pretty much any wireless telephone company on the market, moving toward metering cable web access is as stupid corporate price policy as you can get.

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