Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Endless Quest For Gubmint Revenue

Get Fido a license

Kathleen Akin of Wyoming was featured in The Enquirer April 24 for her decision to be a single mother. But it was her dog that got the attention of the Hamilton County Auditor's Office. After a photo showed Akin, 45, and her children walking with Sophie, the family's King Charles spaniel, Akin got a letter from the Auditor's Office.

"We saw a picture from Thursday's Cincinnati Enquirer of you in the 'Single Women Who Choose Motherhood" article,'" stated the letter.
"When we checked our dog registration database, we didn't find any references you had licensed your dog Sophie."

The letter went on to instruct Akin to fill out the enclosed dog license registration and pay the fee "so your dog can be legal."
"I was just shocked," said Akin. She just couldn't believe that the county was policing dog licenses through news stories."I was like, 'Oh my God.' There are so many people out there not paying their child support and they're wasting their time on a $13 dog registration."
But it wasn't the first time the Auditor's Office has gone this route."We've done it six times so far," said Auditor Dusty Rhodes. "We've got a pretty hip staff and people are reading things."
His advice: "Keep your dog out of the picture if it's not licensed."

Read the rest here:

Never understood why do they tax dogs. Is there any services they provide to my dogs with the revenue they collect?When are they gonna start taxing parakeets, homing pigeons, cats and hamsters?They pay their "hip" employees tens of millions in salaries and benefits only to sit on their arse 8 hours a day, read newspapers, chase your Chiuahua, collect pocket change then file a 500 page report.

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