Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Britain: Nanny State Police Crashing 25th Wedding Anniversary Party

Helicopters, masked police, snipers on the roof, the works. The reason? Somebody got scared of guns. Nope, not real guns; those are banned in England. Toy guns carried by the partygoers as props for the Wild West themed party.

FoxNews: Guests of a wild west-themed costume party got a scare when a posse of armed police officers stormed into the hootenanny thinking toy guns carried by partygoers were real, several British media outlets reported.

The festivities were held Saturday by Roy and Val Worthington of Leicestershire, England, to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. But the celebration quickly turned into a disaster when three police cars and a helicopter showed up to investigate, the BBC reported.

"It was a bit over the top with the helicopter," Roy Worthington told the BBC.

The Leicestershire Police Department, however, defended the party crashing.

“We have a duty to treat all reports of firearms as genuine,” a police spokeswoman told the Daily Mail newspaper.

In an interview with the BBC, Val Worthington claimed that she had called police last November to notify them that some of her guests may be carrying toy guns.

Click here for a video report from the BBC.

That's how bad both, the socialist state police force of the UK and the majority of the British people got brainwashed in just a little over 10 years of liberal rule. Considering the leaders of the Democrat Party are looking at European nations as the model for America to follow and taking into consideration they have now the political means to do it, be afraid my friends. Be very afraid.

1 comment:

EricTheRed said...

Depressing, but not surprising. Just recently I read that the British Olympic shooting team has to practice off the island because of the "zero tolerance" gun bun.

More like zero brains.
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