Friday, April 3, 2009

Maricopa County Deputies Unload On Phoenix Mayor, Politicians

Sorry folks, I had to disable the embedded video as it was starting automatically after the homepage of my blog was loading. You can still watch the video by clicking on the link below:

This is the must see video of the week:


Brisket Dog said...

Go deputies. More people need to support these fine outstanding men and women who are fighting a losing battle because of opportunistic politicians who put criminals ahead of tax paying citizens.

Anonymous said...

Deport all the illegals. I'm sick and tired of paying for their medical, school and college. Fine the employers.

Growler said...

People had better wake up to what is going on in this country and get behind their police instead of making ridiculous politically motivated speeches against them. My hat is of to these Deputies, this took some real courage.jd50ae

Anonymous said...

I see future efforts by the federal govt. to charge and arrest sheriff Arpaio. My feelings are that any federal agents who arrive to perform the arrest, should be arrested by the sheriffs dept. and held without bail for violation of state laws and also violation of "under color of authority" laws.
This is literally the only way to get the attention of these federal thugs and will certainly get the media heavily involved. The people of America need to start now to take their country back. Possibly calling attention to federal abuses in this manner will prevent the greater disaster of an actual 2nd. revolutionary war.

Anonymous said...

I want to salute my brothers in Arizona for having the fortitude to speak out against the mayor and these growing breed of activist trouble makers who are spreading lies and trying to change the countyr into a dictatorship and handout system. Theyt should be going to work everyday like the deputies. Illegals are an epidemic and not just in Arizona! They are pervasive like a patch of poison ivy infecting everything around them, using money they don't deserve ,not following the traffic laws and running into and hurting our family members,murdering people,raping innocent women and not paying thier fair share of taxes. Una Stamus Maricopa County Deputies , we stand as one.

beungood said...

I want to salute my brothers in Arizona for having the fortitude to speak out against the mayor and these growing breed of activist trouble makers who are spreading lies and trying to change the countyr into a dictatorship and handout system. Theyt should be going to work everyday like the deputies. Illegals are an epidemic and not just in Arizona! They are pervasive like a patch of poison ivy infecting everything around them, using money they don't deserve ,not following the traffic laws and running into and hurting our family members,murdering people,raping innocent women and not paying thier fair share of taxes. Una Stamus Maricopa County Deputies , we stand as one