Thursday, January 15, 2009

Did You Know US Gun Stores Sell Grenades, RPG's, AK-47s and "cop killer" guns?

RPG's and grenades sold at gun stores? I had no idea.

But if you ask Dr. Shannon O'Neil - fellow for Latin America studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, she will tell you the answer is yes: US gun stores sell all of the above.

And not only that: somehow good Dr. O'Neill managed to count how many gun stores located along the Mexican-US border are engaged in selling hand grenades and RPG launchers to Mexican drug dealers: 7,000 (according to her there are three gun stores for every mile along the border)

Here is just a sample from Dr. O'Neill's wacademic research:

The gun situation is even worse. The Merida Initiative promises some sophisticated gear to the Mexican government, including helicopters, speedboats, and high-end database and surveillance systems. Yet the arms that cartels can and do buy from the open U.S. market -- completely illegally -- leave Mexico's police force and even its military outgunned. There are nearly 7,000 gun shops along the southern U.S. border, about three for every mile. They sell thousands of hand grenades, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, AK-47s, and "cop killer" guns and bullets that cut through Kevlar body armor. The weapons quickly flow south, again with barely a nod from U.S. Border Patrol.

The rest of her "scientific" study on what is causing drug and gang violence in Mexico is here

From Dr. O'Neill's bio:

Adjunct assistant professor of political science and visiting scholar, Institute of Latin American Studies, Columbia University (2006); Fulbright scholar in Mexico and Argentina; Justice, Welfare and Economics Fellow, Harvard University; Equity Analyst, Indosuez Capital Latin America and Credit Lyonnais Securities (1994-97)

As they say: in order to become such an idiot, a college degree is required.


Erik said...


Mike aka Proof said...

"Fulbright scholar"? Wasn't the unzipped President from Hope a Fulbright scholar?

Maybe you only need to be half bright to get a Fulbright? Heh.

someguy said...

Wow. You are truely ignorant. Looks like you are all beuaty and no brains. Last i checked it was illigal to have gernades and rpg's. Do you really think BATFE or the FBI wouldn't jump on a gun store selling that stuff. Here is another thing. Just about any rifle in the center fire family will go through a standard vest. Does that mean that grandad's old 30-06 is a cop "killer gun" with "cop killer bullets"? By the way they are called cartridges not bullets. Stop doing all that medical marijuana and do some actual research.

Anonymous said...

I wished they did sell those type of weapons but they do not. Most of these arms that these cartels buy are alreay illegal in nearly every country in the world. Also the writer is clearly lacks knowledge since she calls any bullet that shoots though body armor "cop killer rounds"...which in reality any rifle ever made will shoot though armor. Even a 100year old winchester will shoot though even the most advanced armor on the market.

Also explosives are illegal for the most part illegal..the only source would be the black market that is financed by drugs, "military aid", Undergound deals made by US military...clearly the source is not the legal gun stores.

Also gun stores do not sell true full auto AKs(there is a long process with a 20 grand price tag). Most of the AKs are semi automatic and require background checks.

Anonymous said...

wow...anyone who really thinks this is a total moron...

i'm amazed you can even operate a keyboard....

Unknown said...

Yes i know it is very nice guns shop and all types of shooting guns are available in this shop.

Miami Gun Shops